Syöte Camping, short-term space

…only 400 metres away. The short-term space rental includes a caravan space with electricity and use of the comfortable maintenance and sauna facilities. During the winter season, there is a…

Snowmobile safari and guided tours

Guided snowmobile safari is easy way to get to know basics about snomobiling and of course chance to spend time in beautiful winter forest. This activity is suitable for the…

Guided fatbike tour

Guided fatbike tour is nice way to get to know bike trails in Syöte area. Tour is possible to take with normal fatbike or E-bike. Depends what you prefer. The…

Souvenir Shop

You can find wonderful gifts and souvenirs from your holiday on the Iso-Syöte hilltop from the souvenir shop. The selection includes a comprehensive range of local flavours and products from…

Cottages in Riihikumpu area in Syöte

…semi-detached houses and terraced houses. The most common rental properties in Riihikumpu have 1-2 bedrooms and a loft, making the area ideal for families and small groups of friends. The…

Auditorium Kurkisali

…auditorium can accommodate up to 300 people. When assembled, the auditorium is replaced by approximately 100 m2 of flat floor space. Kurkisali’s AV equipment is comprehensive, including e.g. powerful video…