Skibus from Oulu to Syöte

Saaga Travel’s Skibus operates from Oulu to Syöte every Saturday throughout the ski season. Additional departures are available on holiday weeks 52, 1, and 10, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

You can hop on the Skibus also in Liminka, Kempele, Kiiminki, and Pudasjärvi. With Skibus, you can reach Iso-Syöte and Syöte Visitor Centre.

The round-trip ticket price is 25 euros, and a one-way journey is the same price. You can also book discounted ski lift tickets and equipment rental for Ski resort Iso-Syöte through us.

The departure is guaranteed without a minimum number of participants. We recommend making a reservation by 6:00 PM on the evening before departure so that we can determine the appropriate bus size.

Check the exact schedule and learn more about Syöte activities and services at Saaga Travel’s Webshop.

  • Iso-Syöte

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